Chalmers Robotics Society
A Makerspace For Makers By MakersWhat is Chalmers Robotics Society?
Chalmers Robotics Society (CRF) is a member-driven makerspace located at Chalmers University Campus. Our organization is non-profit and part of Chalmers Student Union (but being a student at Chalmers University is not a requirement for membership and CRF is open to all members).
- As a community we provide a collaborative workspace for making and sharing where we encourage hands-on learning.
- We have an environment where we help each other and provide mentorship with the aim to boost our self-confidence to explore new things and share knowledge about what we learned.
- We are inclusive and subscribe to Chalmers’ fundamental values – quality, openness, inclusion, respect, diversity. These values help us maintain a culture of cooperation and mutual support.
- Our main audience is private people working on hobby projects however commercial projects can also be worked on with prior written agreement with the board.

What is a Makerspace?
A Makerspace (sometimes also called a hackspace or ‘fab lab’) is a location where people with common interests to create can meet, socialise and collaborate around common creative interests such as, but not limited to, computers, technology, science, digital arts or electronics.

Our Workshop
There are many different ways a makerspace can be organized. Our makerspace is centered around our workshop. We want the workshop to be dynamic and adaptable to what the members are currently interested in. Members are free to come-and-go as they please and are encouraged to help develop the workshop and organize events.
As a community we encourage a do-it-yourself (D.I.Y) attitude and trust in each other to collectively help maintain the workshop. It is important that members follow the rules and regulations regarding the machines (as well as keeping the workshop clean and organized).
In a workshop, mishaps are bound to occur and machines eventually break down. Please inform the board board or any senior members if anything needs fixing (that you can’t fix yourself). We are all here to help!
What can I do at Chalmers Robotics?

We provide a wide range of components at low cost. Here you will find everything from Arduinos and ESP8266 to relays and laser modules.

We have a lot of different tools available! Soldering stations, screwdrivers, glue guns, multimeters, computers and much much more!

We have 3D printers, laser cutter, band saws, CNC mill, drills and much more!

CRF has many members that are willing to share their knowledge of just about anything related to making.
(We also have snacks for sale.)
I’m convinced!
How do I become a member?
For students at Chalmers:
Step 1a: Fill out the membership form and pay the membership fee. You will immediately be sent an email that confirms we have received your application. You are a member from when you have paid the fee and submitted the form, and we will request access for you from the Student Union.
For non-students:
Step 1b: Fill out the membership form. You will be placed in the queue to join CRF. When we have at least 50% Chalmers students at CRF, we will send a mail to the first person in the queue asking them to pay the membership fee. After we have verified your payment, you will be added as a member.
Psst! The membership fee is 100 SEK, and membership is valid for the current school year (July 1 – June 30)
Step 2: After we have confirmed that you have paid your membership fee these thing happen:
- You will be granted membership access on our Discord server to our members-only channels (allowing you to post and join voice channels).
- If you are a Chalmers student you will receive access to the workshop through your Union Card.
- If you have never been at CRF before, come by on one of our builder nights and we will show you around