The 14:th of September we held a meeting for Swedish Robot Championship (Robot-SM), shortly this is what we decided.

The Event

  • Who? – No manager for Robot-SM is appointed yet. If you want to get involved, please contact
  • Where? – The location for Robot-SM is probably going to be Ljusgården at Chalmers Göteborg (as last year)
  • When? – The same week as Vetenskapsfestivalen 5-16 May, probably.


  • Standard-Sumo – 2 competitions will be available, the dohyo (competition arena) will be made out of wood, and the other competition out of steel.
  • Linefollowing – 2 competitions will be available, Normal Line Following and Advanced Line Following.
  • Folkrace – A clearly visible label will mark the robots.
    Obstacles will appear on the racetrack to make the competition more difficult.
    Competitors may lift up their robot if it causes stops or if an breakdown occurs, and place it back on the starting line on the same lap number.
  • Freestyle – Will be presented more clearly under the event.

Meeting minutes can be found below in Swedish [PDF-format]:
Robot-SM möte 2013-09-14 Protokoll

The meeting was announced on many platforms, but was unfortunately forgotten.

The next meeting will be held soon. Be involved and influence how the event should be designed, attend at the next meeting!


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Chalmers Robotförening
Sven Hultins gata 8
412 58 Göteborg
Google Maps


Chalmers Robotförening
Teknologgården 2
412 58 Göteborg

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