Today we have meet SKIP (The Association for Informatics and Programming), it’s an association located at Lindholmen.
Skip is intressted to learn more about harware, and CRF more about software. We are planning to organize some fun lectures in the future, fo example:
- Raspberry Pi – Connect electronic and servos
- Mini-sumo which are used for Robot-SM
- Gamenights, movienights
- Server-installation – I you want to host you own server for the web or similar
- Open source and Open hardware
- ROS – Robot Operating System
We start tomorrow with a gamenight!
18:00, Thursday the 5th of September at Patricia-huset, floor 4 torg grön. GU campus lindholmen.
More events are going to show up, keep track on all of CRF’s events at CRF:s calendar (