
Over the last years the hacker community has been growing and reaching a wider range of people. The movement is slowly becoming a known part of society yet many of us are working alone.

Every fourth year, the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) is arranging a summer camp in Germany. The summer camp is a huge meeting where a lot of people meet to share knowledge, create, get support for projects and of course have a lot of fun.

The camp is a great place to meet a lot of likeminded people and we, a group of individuals from Sweden want to host a similar event for Scandinavia.
Many new organizations have been created the last few years, yet we do not have so many connections with each other.

Our vision is to create better communication and find common grounds between the different technology, hacker and maker organizations in Scandinavia.
We would like to invite all Scandinavian tech and non-profit organizations and people that are interested in this to join us the 16th of August in Gothenburg, at Frilagret for a first meeting.

The main goal of this gathering is to network, socialize and make the main event, an event similar to CCC summer camp, possible next year. We will be introducing the different organizations and individuals, having workshops, dialogues and a lot of fun.
A national or Scandinavian meeting has been discused before between different individuals but it has never before been set into motion until now. People from different organisations are now coming together to make this event become reality and it is already bringing us closer together!

The event will take place in 2014-08-16 at Gothenburg, Sweden. The event will be hosted at Frilagret where we will have acces to their equipment and space.

The program:

  • 16:00 Event opening
  • 16:10 CCC Talk
  • 16:30 Hackerspace Pressentations
  • 17:00 Circuit bending-workshop
  • 18:30 Food (Pasta Sallad)
  • 19:00 World Café
  • 21:00 Result from World Café


  • 13:00 Meetup at GHS
  • 14:00 Boat over to Collaboratory
  • 16:00 Buss 16 over to CRF

If you are interested in taking part and/or helping us organising this please subscribe and contact us on our mailing list


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Chalmers Robotförening
Sven Hultins gata 8
412 58 Göteborg
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Chalmers Robotförening
Teknologgården 2
412 58 Göteborg

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