Midsummer Madness 2016
Chalmers Robotics is once again arranging the event Midsummer Madness where we get toghether on the Swedish midsummer to eat food, and team up to build some awesome creations.
The goal of this years mission is to sink a ship.

We will bring some food and later split the costs.
Here’s a Google Drive document so we know who will bring what https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z-N9YYhqJSctJNpYXIelulr_B3fC-r3hCWr0IigOmkA/edit?usp=sharing.

The event starts at 14.



För generella ärenden: info@chalmersrobotics.se



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Chalmers Robotförening
Sven Hultins gata 8
412 58 Göteborg
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Chalmers Robotförening
Teknologgården 2
412 58 Göteborg

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