On Saturday the 9:th of April there will be a Workshop about Raspberry Pi at Chalmers Robotics. There will be two separate workshops, the first will focus on setup of the Raspberry pi, and the second on integration, electronics and programming.
The workshop is free.
14:00 – Intro
15:00 – Install and Config (Workshop)
17:00 – Food
18:00 – Workflow (SSH, Shell, Terminalmultiplexer)
19:00 – Install Packages
Equipment that is required:
* Laptop
* Raspberry Pi
* Ethernet cable (to both laptop and RPi)
* SD-kort 4GB (minimum)
* Micro USB cable
* SD card reader (not required, you can borrow, but it may take some time)
There will be a few Raspberry Pi that you can borrow from Chalmers Robotics, but because the installation is personal it’s recommended that you bring your own.
Ethernet switches will be placed strategically around the locale.
Knowledge Requirements:
* Technical interest
* Terminal: Beginner
* At the dinner brake we will likely eat at one of the resturants around Gibraltargatan
* There’s also food, candy and soft drinks at Chalmers Robotics