On Sunday the 13:th of November we will continue with electronics and Raspberry Pi at Chalmers Robotics.

Several workshops will show you how to setup and work with electronic components.
We will go through components such as buttons, LED’s, servos and relays.

The workshop is free.

12:00 – Intro
13:00 – Blinking LED
14:00 – Handle input
15:00 – Control heavier loads
16:00 – Position control with servo

Equipment that is required:
* Laptop
* Raspberry Pi (any model will do)
* Ethernet cable (to both laptop and RPi)
* Micro USB cable and 5V supply
* Know the MAC-address of your Raspberry Pi so we can find it easy (ifconfig)
* Preinstalled SD-card with Rasbian or equilient

There will be a few Raspberry Pi that you can borrow from Chalmers Robotics, but because the installation is personal it’s recommended that you bring your own.
Ethernet switches will be placed strategically around the locale.

Knowledge Requirements:
* Technical interest
* Terminal: Beginner
* Programming: Beginner
* Electronics: Beginner

If you feel to refresh, please have a look at the slides from the first workshop: http://crf.io/wiki/rpi

* At the dinner brake we will likely eat at one of the resturants around Gibraltargatan
* There’s also food, candy and soft drinks at Chalmers Robotics

Facebook event


För generella ärenden: info@chalmersrobotics.se



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Chalmers Robotförening
Sven Hultins gata 8
412 58 Göteborg
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Chalmers Robotförening
Teknologgården 2
412 58 Göteborg

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