Welcome to our Builders night!

Are you interested in CRF? Do you have a project idea but you don’t have the required tools at home? Do you want to learn how to print using 3D-printers? Want some company while you are working on your projects? Then come join us at our builders night every Wednesday from 18:00!


On these occasions, someone from the board will be present. If you are not yet a member, this is a good time to get an introduction to CRF and become a member! In the case that no one in the board can be present, we will announce this in our Discord server, but this does not neccesarily mean that no one will be at CRF, as we still welcome everyone to work on their projects during this time.


When: Every Wednesday from 18:00

Where: Chalmers Robotförening, Sven Hultins gata 8


För generella ärenden: info@chalmersrobotics.se



För information om personuppgifter se Om eller läs direkt här. (Management of personal data)


Chalmers Robotförening
Sven Hultins gata 8
412 58 Göteborg
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Chalmers Robotförening
Teknologgården 2
412 58 Göteborg

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