Workshop Raspberry Pi, Part 2: Electronic

On Sunday the 13:th of November we will continue with electronics and Raspberry Pi at Chalmers Robotics. Several workshops will show you how to setup and work with electronic components. We will go through components such as buttons, LED’s, servos and relays....

Slides from Basic Electronics part 1

After a successful lecture multiple people asked for the slides and here they are. Video will be uploaded later on youtube. Grundläggande elektronik 1 – english You are welcome back next Wednesday for part 2 of the lecture.

Lecture Basic Electronics

Would you like to learn more about electronics but don’t know were to start? Erik Sternå at Chalmers Robotics Society will hold two lectures on basic electronics, which will discuss the basics of electronics from a more practical perspective (as in what you...

Chalmers Robotics Lecture – CAD at Wednesday 19:00 (2014-02-19)

CRF Robotics Lecture – CAD at Wednesday 19:00 (2014-02-19) Tim Gremalm will, the 19th of Februari, hold a lecture about CAD (Computer Aided Design). The lecture begins at 19:00 in Chalmers Robotics local. The talk will go through the basics of CAD design and how...

Kodar-Lan – Theme: Text and Editors the 30th November 15:00

It’s time for Kodar-lan again! We will focus on text-managment and text-editors. We will mainly hold lectures and introductions and after that finish of with some practical editing lead by supervisors. The following subjects will be handled: * Texteditor Demo...

Chalmers Robotics – PCB manufacturing wednesday 19:00 (2013-11-20)

Mikael Spets will, the 20th of novenber, hold a lecture about how to manufacture PCB (Printed Circuit Board). The lecture starts at 19 o’clock in Chalmers Robotics locales. The lecture are mainly for new members, and will go through printing of layout,...


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Sven Hultins gata 8
412 58 Göteborg
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Teknologgården 2
412 58 Göteborg

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