Restructuring the workshop
Chalmers Robotics Society is rebuilding/restructuring the workshop during the summer. It will therefore be hard to work as normal in the workshop during the coming weeks (if you been there recently, you’ve probably noticed). We have lots of fun plans and are convinced that it will be really nice in the end. We’ve gotten several new tables, cupboards and other stuff (no new chairs however. If you have any free chairs, please contact us). If you want to help, please come down to the workshop during the coming weeks and help us.
We’ve also had a 3D-printer meeting. It was really quick and it was decided that we would buy a Bukobot 8 V2 (which has already been done). We think this will be very good for the continous work of CRF. It is still unclear exactly when members may start using it, but it will most likely be working at the end of the summer. The same thing goes for this, if you know anything about 3D-printing, please tell, because we have very little previous experience.